Friday, August 23, 2013

5 more to go! (35 weeks)

It's crazy to think that in about 5 weeks this little guy will be here.  I went to Minneapolis to visit my friend Heather and her new baby a couple weeks ago and the visit made me realize how much our life is going to change.  I think the biggest realization I had was that it's not easy to just pick up and go when you have a little one.  Don't get me wrong, of course I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time I want to make sure Brian and I are enjoying every moment we have together alone the next few weeks because it won't be long until we're a family of 3!

We got some more stuff checked off the list last week.  We interviewed pediatricians and found one that we like.  I've been doing a lot of reading and research on vaccinating and based on what I've found we'll probably end up opting out of some vaccines and following a delayed schedule vs. the one the CDC recommends and maybe not vaccinating at all - we're not 100% sure yet.  So, vaccinations was one of our main discussion points during our interviews with the pediatricians.  I feel good that we've found a practice that will support whatever decision we make.

Brian's work had a surprise baby shower for him last Friday (so cool, huh?).  I guess that's one of the perks of working for a company that makes kid stuff.  Our friend Katie called me the Wednesday before to invite me, so it was nice to be able to go.  And surprisingly enough, I was able to keep the secret.  I'm glad she didn't give me anymore than a 2 day notice. :)  We received a few more things from our registry and a gift card to Babies R Us which we used to get the car seat.  I think we have all the essentials!  Now we just need a baby.  Here's a picture of B opening presents at his man shower.

No big plans for the weekend.  We're running a 5K with the dogs tomorrow morning and then heading to the farmer's market to get some local fruits and veggies.  Then I plan to put my swollen feet up and relax for the rest of the weekend. :)

Here is a 34 week bump picture.  I haven't taken the 35 week one yet, so I'll post it next week! 

Oh..and i thought I'd share this product I happened upon while I was shopping for baby stuff.  What a brilliant idea!  We're definitely going to be investing in some of these to avoid being peed on while changing diapers.  Haha.

Have a great weekend!  xoxo

Jennelle and Brian

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's been awhile... (33 weeks)

Yikes...I didn't realize it had been over 4 weeks since I had posted anything.  What a slacker I am.  We've been pretty busy the last few weeks, so I have lots of updates!

We're in week 34, only 7 more to go!  The countdown is officially 47 days.  Owen has been moving around a lot.  I've noticed that he's most active around 9-10 PM.  His movements have changed from fast kicks to more of a slow motion rolling.  And his newest trick is hiccuping, which is sometimes cool, but not really when I'm trying to sleep!  I've also started having Braxton Hicks contractions in the past few weeks and really noticing them in the past week or so.  They don't hurt, so it's nothing to worry about - just my body preparing I guess. 

We had our 32 week appointment last week.  Brian hasn't been able to go to the last few appointments because of work meetings, but he went to this one and I'm really glad he was there.  When the midwife measured me she said my belly was measuring small so she ordered an ultrasound.  Of course I was worried, but B was excited that we got to see the little guy again.  Everything is fine - it could have just been the way he was positioned.  The ultrasound tech said that according to his measurements, he's 4lbs, 4oz and he has long legs.  Glad he didn't get my stubs.  :)  At this point, his weight and measurements are within the 40-50th percentile.  She also went on and on about how cute his face was.  Brian and I think he kind of looks like an alien with sunglasses on.

We've been taking lots of classes at the hospital in preparation for the little guy.  We've completed the Childbirth, Baby Essentials, Nursing, and Dogs and Babies classes.  Our last class is Infant CPR this week.  We're on information overload, but we've definitely learned some helpful things from each class.  There are so many decisions to make about how you're going to care for and raise the baby.  And everyone has a different opinion - even the nurses teaching the classes have a difficult time being objective.  It can be tricky weeding through the facts and opinions, but as a result of our classes, Brian is now an expert swaddler (see photo below) and we feel better about how we're going to manage the interactions between Owen and the dogs. 

My friends threw me a lovely baby shower this weekend in Atlanta and Aunt Kris threw one for me a couple of weekends ago in Michigan.  We received so many nice gifts for Baby O!  He's spoiled already. :)  I've posted a few pictures from the showers below.

At the Michigan Shower.  This cake was AMAZING.  Half banana cake, half raspberry. 
Family at the Michigan Shower.
Owen's "Grammy" and I. :) 
Some of the girls and I at the Georgia Shower. 
The shower Hostesses (Sarah, Dana, and Heather) and I.

Just a few more things on my checklist before he gets here and now that I'm not traveling for work anymore for the rest of the pregnancy, I'll have some time in the evenings to get stuff done.  We're interviewing pediatricians this week and I'm determined to figure out the daycare situation this week as well.  We're on a waiting list at a place nearby, but it looks like we'll have to figure something else out until they have space.  Other than that, I just need to finish the nursery and wash all of the bedding and clothes.  That's the fun part. :) 

I don't have a bump picture for all of the weeks I missed, so I posted the two I have.  :)

30 week bump in a hotel room in LA
33 week bump
That's all I've got for now!  I'll try to do more frequent updates since I'm not traveling anymore!


Jennelle and B