Friday, August 23, 2013

5 more to go! (35 weeks)

It's crazy to think that in about 5 weeks this little guy will be here.  I went to Minneapolis to visit my friend Heather and her new baby a couple weeks ago and the visit made me realize how much our life is going to change.  I think the biggest realization I had was that it's not easy to just pick up and go when you have a little one.  Don't get me wrong, of course I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time I want to make sure Brian and I are enjoying every moment we have together alone the next few weeks because it won't be long until we're a family of 3!

We got some more stuff checked off the list last week.  We interviewed pediatricians and found one that we like.  I've been doing a lot of reading and research on vaccinating and based on what I've found we'll probably end up opting out of some vaccines and following a delayed schedule vs. the one the CDC recommends and maybe not vaccinating at all - we're not 100% sure yet.  So, vaccinations was one of our main discussion points during our interviews with the pediatricians.  I feel good that we've found a practice that will support whatever decision we make.

Brian's work had a surprise baby shower for him last Friday (so cool, huh?).  I guess that's one of the perks of working for a company that makes kid stuff.  Our friend Katie called me the Wednesday before to invite me, so it was nice to be able to go.  And surprisingly enough, I was able to keep the secret.  I'm glad she didn't give me anymore than a 2 day notice. :)  We received a few more things from our registry and a gift card to Babies R Us which we used to get the car seat.  I think we have all the essentials!  Now we just need a baby.  Here's a picture of B opening presents at his man shower.

No big plans for the weekend.  We're running a 5K with the dogs tomorrow morning and then heading to the farmer's market to get some local fruits and veggies.  Then I plan to put my swollen feet up and relax for the rest of the weekend. :)

Here is a 34 week bump picture.  I haven't taken the 35 week one yet, so I'll post it next week! 

Oh..and i thought I'd share this product I happened upon while I was shopping for baby stuff.  What a brilliant idea!  We're definitely going to be investing in some of these to avoid being peed on while changing diapers.  Haha.

Have a great weekend!  xoxo

Jennelle and Brian

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