We're officially 23 weeks along and the bump is getting bigger every day! Baby Mac now weighs about 1 lb and is about 11 inches long. The vegetable he is being compared to this week is a spaghetti squash. I wonder who ever thought of comparing a baby to a vegetable?
My cravings have been pretty consistent the past few weeks - fruit, waffles, and fish tacos. Oh and the newest craving is beer. Thank goodness for non-alcoholic beer. I always wondered who drank that stuff. Now I know. I suppose I shouldn't leave out the Chick-Fil-A craving - Baby Mac loves him some chicken minis and hashbrowns.
Overall I can't complain about how I've felt. I did have some nausea that completely disappeared after the first trimester. And other than feeling heavier than normal and having some occasional lower back pain, I've been feeling great. I did read that maintaining an exercise routine can help reduce the aches and pains, so I've continued my running (at a much slower pace) and I've been doing barre classes. If anything, it helps me justify the frequent desserts. :)
We've been slowly chipping away at the nursery and have plans to do more work on it this weekend. Brian finished painting this week. I'm concerned that the grey we chose has some purple undertones. Brian says no, but I think that's just because he doesn't want to re-paint. Maybe he's right and I'm just seeing things. He wouldn't let our baby boy have a purple room, right?!?!
We've got most of the furniture for the nursery. Brian's parents bought our crib for us and that arrived on Tuesday! Hopefully we can get that put together this weekend and I'll post pictures next week. We're going to try to get the closet organization system in this weekend as well. And the glider we ordered is being delivered on Monday. It's all coming together. I'm trying to get it done in the 2nd trimester since I hear that the fatigue will kick back in during the 3rd trimester.
I ran a 5k this morning in Virginia Highlands (which is a really cute area in Atlanta). It was probably one of the most beautiful 5k courses I've ever run. Brian missed this one because he pulled his hamstring a few weeks ago and he's still recovering, but he was still there to cheer me on. We made a New Years resolution to run a 5k (or some type of road race) every month this year. Between his injuries, my growing belly, and being rained out for the May 5k, we're not going to make it. But I'm determined to do as many as I can. I figure if that lady who ran the Chicago marathon and gave birth right after the race could do it, I can certainly do a few 5ks up until it's time to pop.
There were a ton of parents with jogging strollers at the race today - I started counting them, but lost count after 25. It always motivates me to run faster when I see someone pushing another human along. My rule is that I can't let old people or people with strollers pass me.
The next race we have on our calendar is the Peachtree Road Race. It's a 10k on July 4th - a huge Atlanta tradition and the biggest 10k in the US. There were about 60,000 runners last year. Hopefully Brian will be fully recovered and can at least run/walk it with me. Can't wait for the day we can run Baby Mac in his first road race!
So, I know I said I wasn't going to purchase anymore baby clothes before the showers, but I couldn't resist when I saw this online (and I knew Brian wouldn't be mad). This is Baby Mac's first Michigan State outfit. And I was right...Brian was very excited to see this come in the mail today. :)
That's all I've got for today. I'll post some nursery pictures next week! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
xoxo Jennelle & Brian
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