I'm about two weeks behind on my posts, but better late than never! We had a couple of busy weekends and I was in California last week for work, so I feel like we've been going non-stop.
My parents were in town last weekend and we had a nice visit. The only time we ever do anything touristy in Atlanta is when they're in town, so this trip we took them down to the Botanical Gardens. It was really pretty. They had an edible garden that put my little garden to shame. But it might inspire me to plant more stuff next year - like eggplant and cucumbers maybe. We'll see. We planted a bunch of peppers this year - jalapenos, habaneros, and banana peppers. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of these peppers. Let me know if you need some!
Mom and Dad are super excited about becoming grandparents for the first time. My mom says she still can't believe she's old enough to be a Grandma. I keep reminding her that I'll be 32 this year and that she's plenty old enough to be a Grandma. :)
Onto baby updates...So, as the title of this blog post suggests, Brian and I have decided on a name! Before I tell you what it is, I just want you to know that picking a name was not as easy as I thought it might be. Brian goes with the flow most of the time, but he had some very strong opinions about what baby Mac's name shouldn't be. He never really came up with a list of names, but he wasn't shy about crossing names off of my list! We probably went through a good 100+ names before landing on this one - Owen Maxwell McDonald. The origin of Owen is Irish and it's meaning is "young fighter". That's what the internet says anyway (which by the way has no bearing on why we chose it). Young fighter is accurate though - when he's awake he seems to be using my insides as a punching bag. Unfortunately he's been awake lately when I'm trying to fall asleep!
Here's the weekly bump picture. This week baby Owen is about 14.5 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds. Leaves me to wonder why I need the other 14 pounds that I've gained. :)
As for the nursery update, we haven't accomplished too much since the last post, but I feel good that we have the basics completed. The crib mattress and changing pad came last week. I just need to figure out what I'm going to put on the walls. We have one wall taken care of - Brian put these shelves up for me. Something I saw on Pinterest - I love that site!
Oh..and I've experienced a new symptom of pregnancy starting last week. It's called "pregnancy brain" and basically what happens is that pregnant women do and say stupid things and tend to forget things that they normally remember. My first episode occurred last week when I tried to use dish soap in the dish washer...twice. When I discovered the suds, I yelled for Brian to help me and instead of coming to my rescue with towels, he ran upstairs to grab his phone so he could take a picture. Very helpful. Thanks babe.
Well, that's about all of the excitement we have going on here. I'll get back on track with my posts next Monday!
Have a nice week. Xoxo, Jennelle and Brian
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