Sunday, September 8, 2013

Aren't you just miserable? (37 weeks)

Now that I'm in my last month of pregnancy, I'm noticing an increase in comments like - "aren't you just miserable?", "I'm sure you're getting no sleep at night", and my favorite - "how much weight have you gained?"  I almost feel guilty telling people that I feel great and I'm sleeping well at night.  It seems like once you've experienced the miracle of growing a baby in your belly, you're in this elite club and you have the right to tell pregnant women how difficult pregnancy and child rearing is going to be.  I know every pregnancy is different and I can only hope that I'm as lucky with the next one.

The weight gain has probably been the most difficult part for me.  As women we feel pressure to keep our weight in check our entire lives, so I've felt a little out of control the past 9 months.  I just have to keep reminding myself that in only a few short weeks I can start working at getting my body back.  The funniest thing has been when complete strangers inquire about my weight gain.  It's happened more than I expected and I actually had a man ask me once.  He's one of the trainers at the gym so maybe he thinks because of his profession it's ok to ask a hormonal woman how fat they've become.  When he told me that his wife only gained 14 lbs with her first child, I chose to keep my mouth shut because the only response that came to mind was "your wife is a b*$&%".  Not very nice, Jennelle.  I guess if you only gained 14 lbs, you should have bragging rights, but as someone who gained a lot more than 14, I don't want to hear about it.  Haha.

So, we're finally considered full term!  That means that all of Baby O's organs are fully developed and ready for the outside world.  Only 19 more days until our due date and the days are going by pretty quickly.  I keep saying I'm ready, but I still have a couple more things to do.  It just occurred to me this past week that I haven't really come up with a plan for who is going to take on my work responsibilities while I'm out.  That's kind of a big thing that I need to figure out this week.  And my mid-wife told me to pack my hospital bag, so that's on the to-do list this week as well.

Other than that, I'm just getting super excited for fall.  It's starting to annoy Brian a bit because it's still hot outside and I'm starting to prepare fall-type dinners.  I can't help myself.  I think fall is my favorite time of year.  Baby O is going to be a pumpkin for Halloween this year.  Given that he will be 4 weeks old and unable to trick or treat or consume candy for that matter, we have plans to sit in the driveway, drink beers, and hand out candy with our neighbors, Dana and Ben. 

Well, that's all I have this week!  I'll post a bump picture next week.

xo J and B

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