We had our 40 week appointment Friday and no changes to report. I'm still not dilated, so we went ahead and scheduled an appointment for induction. I have a regular doctors appointment Thursday morning where they'll do an ultrasound and then Thursday night we'll check into the hospital to start the induction process. The doctor said they'll try a few things and if the induction is not successful then they'll offer me a c-section on Saturday. So...we should have this bambino out of his cozy little cocoon by next Saturday night at the latest.
In the mean time, we're just making the most of the time we have left alone together and spending time with friends as well.
Since I don't have much to update, I figured I'd document some of the details of my pregnancy by answering these pregnancy blog questions I found online:
Total weight gain: 34 pounds (I barely made it within the doc's recommendation of 25-35 lbs)
Maternity clothes: I started wearing my maternity jeans at 16 weeks. I probably didn't need them then, but they were SOOO much more comfortable than regular jeans. Being pregnant in summer was nice because I was able to wear maxi dresses for most of my pregnancy.
Stretch marks: I didn't get any stretch marks on my belly, thankfully. And I wasn't religous about putting cocoa butter on my belly either. Thankful for good genes. :)
Sleep: I'm a back sleeper, so adjusting to sleeping on my side was rough on my hips. I probably change sides about 10+ times a night just to give each hip a rest. And of course I have 4 pillows of my own to help make sleeping easier. I'm sure Brian is looking forward to those disappearing once Owen gets here.
Miss anything: Right now I'm really missing running. I ran up to about 37 weeks, but REALLY slow and had to walk in between my little bursts of running. Looking forward to the day I'm cleared by my doctor so I can run Owen in the baby jogger by the river!
Movement: I started feeling him move around 22 weeks on my way home from the airport one night. Coolest thing ever. He's the most active at night.
Food cravings: Fish tacos, waffles, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit, and ANYTHING SWEET. I think if it weren't for my sweet tooth I could have spared gaining a few of those 34 lbs.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got nausea a few times in the first trimester, but was never sick and it went away like magic right when the second trimester started.
Labor signs: I started getting Braxton Hicks contractions around 32 weeks. I WISH I had some labor signs to report now. No such luck.
Belly button in or out: It's out! I thought it would bother me when it started showing through clothes, but it is what it is. I'm just glad it's not too huge. :)
Wedding rings on or off: My wedding rings still fit.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy 95% of the time. I have had a couple emotional breakdowns, but nothing that lasted more than 10 minutes. Haha.
Since this is my last pregnant week, I made a collage of the bump pictures (including the one for 40 weeks)
That's it! I'll be back with the delivery story and baby Owen updates once I'm up to blogging again. :)
xoxo Jennelle & B
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