Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We're going to jump this baby out! (39 weeks)

So, as you may notice (since I'm here), the egglplant parm was a bust.  It was quite the experience though.  As you walk into the restaurant, you're greeted by 3 walls covered in baby photos.  These are babies that were allegedly born with 48 hours of their moms having the "magical" dish.  Baby Owen's picture will not be joining the wall.  If anything though, the experience made Brian realize that I'm a pretty pleasant pregnant person.  He mentioned to me that every other pregnant woman in there (and we counted 6) was noticably miserable.  

I had my 39 week appointment last Friday and the mid-wife ordered another ultrasound - for two reasons.  She said my belly was measuring small again and she wasn't sure if what she was feeling at the bottom of my belly was the baby's head or bottom.  In other words, she thought the baby might be breech.  Eek.  So, as I sat in the waiting room for my ultrasound, a million thoughts ran through my head.  I figured since this was the same lady (and only one ever) that ordered an ultrasound before because my belly was small, she must have a measuring problem.  So, I wasn't concerned about that.  My concern was about the breech part.  Up until this point I had been reassured week after week that he was head down.  How could he have possibly flipped in there?  There's no room!  I started thinking about the fact that I might have to have a c-section and although I would prefer to have the baby naturally, I got excited for a minute that IF we did have to have a c-section we'd be able to schedule it and BAM - there was a light at the end of this pregnancy tunnel.  Then I started thinking about how many of my friends have had c-sections recently and the pain they described, not to mention the prolonged recovery time and began re-thinking my excitement. 

The ultrasound went well.  Baby is not breech and everything looked good!  His new estimated weight was 7lbs 10oz based on the measurements during the ultrasound.  I know it's just an estimate, but if he's gaining 0.5 lbs every week, we need to get him out of there!  My next appointment is this Friday (40 weeks) and if baby doesn't come before then, we'll schedule some appointments to start inducing labor.  I was assured that I will not go over 41 weeks.  I would of course prefer labor to start naturally, but I'm not opposed to an intervention if it comes down to it. 

My friend Erin suggested borrowing her mini trampoline to help this process along.  Apparently jumping the baby out worked for her and while we were at dinner tonight, our friend Dana re-planted the idea in my head.  There's actually a trampoline "park" in Roswell where you can pay $14/hour to jump.  I thought that surely they have to have some liability policy stating that pregnant women aren't allowed in there, right?  Wrong.  I called them to let them know I was 40 weeks pregnant and wanted to jump the baby out and she told me to come on in!  So, guess what we're doing when Brian gets home from work tomorrow? :)  If it doesn't work, at least it's something fun to do while we're waiting for the little guy to arrive. 

That's all I have this week.  Here's my 39 week bump picture.  Hopefully I won't have a 40 week update. :)


xoxo - J&B

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